Hello, Hello! Well it has been a month and as promised here is my update. As priorly mentioned my birth control was throwing me off wack. The moment I switched to something else I started to lose weight, go figure. I am down about 4 lbs which is an average of two a week, which works for me. In six weeks hopefully I will be back to my regular weight. Other news, only 42 days left till graduation, and I could not be happier. I have a horrible case of senioritis and am ready to be done. Besides that life is great, Andy and I are buying a 2005 Ford Escape LTD and I am ecstatic (it is going to be my car). Also right now I am in the process of looking around for a job, but anyone who has ever lived in Idaho knows what the job market is like... So wish me luck and I will keep you updated as things develop.