Well this last month has brought on a lot of fun changes in the Decker household. As priorly mentioned I have been on a job search. I was right the job market here is horrible. I wasn't able to land a job in my major but I did find one in my minor. Anyone who knows me, knows I love interior design. I was able to get a job at Furniture Row, and I will get to help design family rooms with clients. I am really grateful for this position, it is a job that comes with the pay rate of a "real" job without the stress of a "real" job. It is the best of both worlds.
With the new job in Idaho Falls, we will also be relocating to the city about 30 minutes south of Rexburg. With Andrew and I both working, and the gas prices soaring we will be moving later next month. I am excited about the idea of getting a bigger apartment and redecorating again! Whoohoo....
Until we get into our new apartment I will be commuting, but I don't mind to much because...
I got my new SUV! I love it, it is adorable, it is a 2005 Escape and I like it so much!