Monday, January 24, 2011

That is a risky guess.

Well today I was out running errands and a lady approached me and asked " When are you due ? ". I figured if I look pregnant enough, that someone would feel confident enough to ask, (Granted, some people are just stupid) I am far enough in to announce it! I am about 11 weeks in, and looking about 18 weeks! It looks like are two kiddos will be almost exactly two years apart. We are thrilled about it!

Told ya.


Taylor {Sew Much Love} said...

Well it's cause you're so dang tiny that you have the cutest little baby belly!

Congrats! Wyatt will be a cute big brother!

Ciara said...

Yeah congrats cousins!

When are you due? Anywhere around august 10 and we could share baby birthdays!

The Arizona Richters said...

congratulations!! I am always uplifted by your blog and creativity! What a blessed family!

Megan Hall said...

YaY YaY YaY for baby SIS. I love her already! Haha just kidding. I honestly will be thrilled if it is a boy or girl. But I don't know how I could possibly love them as much as I love Y?!